Rationale and Objectives
ICoNSIE 2018 is PSSN’s 18th annual scientific conference. With the theme “Connecting the Dots for the Environment and Humanity”, it highlights the important role of nature studies in bringing together the patchy information of the environment and humanity held by the various fields of inquiries. Nature studies covers the natural sciences, including the social sciences as well as the arts and humanities. However, these information need to be shared and exchanged to create a broader, wider, and deeper perspective as to how humanity and environment interact. In the process, a better view of nature and its amenities could be provided to all stakeholders to develop more sustainable strategies for their consumption and development.
The Conference
Once again the Philippine Society for the Study of Nature, Inc. will host an international conference for the environment. With the theme “Connecting the Dots for the Environment and Humanity”, it highlights the important role of nature studies in bringing together the patchy information of the environment and humanity held by the various fields of inquiries. Nature studies covers the natural sciences, including the social sciences as well as the arts and humanities. However, these information need to be shared and exchanged to create a broader, wider, and deeper perspective as to how humanity and environment interact. In the process, a better view of nature and its amenities could be provided to all stakeholders to develop more sustainable strategies for their consumption and development.
Hence, ICoNSIE 2018 aims to:
(a) create a venue where scientists, researchers, and practitioners of nature studies could exchange information and experiences;
(b) provide opportunities to publish scientific papers in the Nature Studies Journal;
(c) strengthen the sense of community among the members.
The highlights of the ICoNSIE 2018 Conference are the best papers competitions in both oral and posters papers:
1. pre- conference
2. key notes and plenary speeches
3. BOT elections
It will be held at the University of Sto. Tomas, Manila, Philippines on May 16- 18, 2017.
PSSN Best Oral Paper
Annually, PSSN recognizes authors/ researchers of the nature studies with high quality through paper competition. It has already awarded more than 100 papers in the last 17 years. Once again, PSSN is inviting researchers anywhere in the globe to submit their research papers for this year’s competition. Cash prizes and award citation will be given to all winners. Participating author/s should send copy of their full paper to the secretariat@pssnonline.org with “competing paper” as the subject of the email.
Mechanics of the competition
1. The competition has 5 categories: Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Integrative Studies, and Best Undergraduate Thesis.
2. Participating author/s should send a copy of their full paper to the secretariat@pssnonline.org with “competing paper” as the subject of the email.
3. The submission of entries shall indicate that the author/s are declaring that the papers are original and have no conflict of business interest.
4. Submitted papers should not have been submitted, reviewed, or accepted for publication in any peer-reviewed journal at the time of submission.
5. The entry should be typed in double space and saved as word document (v.97-2003).
6. The entry should contain a title (limit of 15 words), author/s’ name/s, author/s’ affiliation, abstract (limit of 200 words), keywords (limit of 5 keywords), Introduction, Objectives, Framework (if applicable), Methods or Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion (and Recommendations, if applicable), Acknowledgement (if any), and Literature Cited (APA style).
7. Only one entry per author/s will be considered in the competition. PSSN reserves the right to reject any second entry.
8. Submitted entries will be pre-screened or pre-evaluated by the Best Paper Award Committee.
9. The criteria for the pre-screening will be as follows:
Contribution to the body of knowledge – 50%
Relevance to the Theme – 25%
Organization – 25%
10. Only three papers per category will be selected as finalists.
11. The finalists shall present their papers during the first day of the conference proper; otherwise they will be disqualified.
12. Non-finalists will be presented in the regular paper presentation schedules.
13. Members of the Best Paper Award Committee shall not join the competition or shall not be advisers of students competing for the Best Undergraduate Thesis.
14. For the final judging, the criteria for selection of the Best Oral Paper shall be as follows:
Delivery/Presentation – 30%
Content – 30%
Ability to answer questions – 30%
Time management – 10%
15. The decision of the committee is final and shall be respected. The committee shall not entertain questions regarding the selection of the winners.
PSSN Best Poster Paper
Annually, PSSN recognizes authors/ researchers of the nature studies with high quality through paper competition. It has already awarded more than 100 papers in the last 17 years. Once again, PSSN is inviting researchers anywhere in the globe to submit their research papers for this year’s competition. Cash prizes and award citation will be given to all winners. Participating author/s should send copy of their full paper to the secretariat@pssnonline.org with “competing paper” as the subject of the email.
Mechanics of the Competition
1. A poster paper submitted for presentation in the conference will automatically become an entry for the competition.
2. The paper should follow the official format for presentation. (See format below)
3. The submission of entries shall indicate that the author/s are declaring that the papers are original and have no conflict of business interest.
4. Submitted papers should not have been submitted, reviewed, or accepted for publication in any peer-reviewed journal at the time of submission.
5. The entry should contain a title (limit of 15 words), author/s’ name/s, author/s’ affiliation, abstract (limit of 200 words), keywords (limit of 5 keywords), Introduction, Objectives, Framework (if applicable), Methods or Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion (and Recommendations, if applicable), Acknowledgement (if any), and Literature Cited.
6. Only one entry per author/s will be considered in the competition. PSSN reserves the right to choose an entry for the competition in case of multiple poster papers submission of the same author/s.
7. The criteria for the screening will be as follows:
Contribution to the body of knowledge – 25
Relevance to the Theme – 25%
Organization – 25%
Over-all presentation – 25%
8. Only three papers will be selected as winners.
9. Members of the Best Poster Paper Award Committee shall not join the competition.
10. The decision of the committee is final and shall be respected. The committee shall not entertain questions regarding the selection of the winners.
Poster Paper Guidelines
1. Size: The whole poster should fit into a 30″ by 40″ (76 cm x 102 cm) sheet or board, laid in portrait.
2. Title of poster. All caps and centered, except for scientific names that should be written in italics. Use letters equivalent to 72 points (about 2 cm) for the main title and 40 points (less than 1 cm) for the subtitle. On the main title a footnote must indicate that the poster is competing during a particular PSSN Conference, venue, date and the category chosen. For example “Poster presented during the 8th PSSN Scientific Conference held at MMSU, Batac, Ilocos Norte on May 5-10, 2007; Social Science; Graduate level.” The size of the footnote should be legible within 1 meter distance.
3. Author’s or authors’ name/s. Should be in full, all caps and centered. Use 40 points. Affiliation/address should be written in caps and lower case, italics and centered.
4. Abstract: Limit abstract to 200 words, and should have keywords.
5. Text. Use type letters that are legible within two-meter distance. Use simple typeface. Use upper and lower case standard letters. Use no more than 2 colors. Good color combinations are black on white, black on yellow, black on pink, dark red on white, dark blue on white, and dark blue on yellow. The best is a dark type on a light background because it is easiest to read.
6. Illustrations, Tables, Graphs, & Photographs. Should be 5″ x 7″ (12.5 cm x 18 cm). Labels and captions on illustrations should be readable within two meters.
Submission of Abstarct
Prospective authors are invited to submit their abstracts in Microsoft word format (.doc) with a maximum number of 200 words through the secretariat@pssnonline.org on or before the deadline (28 January 2018) following the format below:
1. The abstract should be written in Calibri font, size 12, and limited to 200 words only.
2. It should contain a title, name of author/s (written one space below the title), affiliation/s of the author/s (with no space from the author/s), brief presentations of the research problem, conceptual/theoretical framework of the research or paper (if any), methods, major findings, conclusion and recommendations (if any), and at most 5 keywords.
3. In case of a multi-authored paper, all authors should be written first and contain a superscript to indicate which author belongs to which institution.
4. Submissions not conforming to this format will not be evaluated.
5. Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified through email.
Participants Categories Early Registration Fee/Person (on or before 31 March 2018)
Non-Member 6,000
Life- Member 5,000
Regular/ New Member 5,500
Undergraduate 4,500
Foreigner U$200
Non- Presenter 6,000
Registration fee entitles the participants to:
(a) snacks;
(b) lunch:
(c) conference kit including print copy of proceedings:
(d) access to all paper sessions; and
(e) certificates.
Payment may be made through the Society’s bank account information as follows:
Current Account Name:
Phil Society for the Study of Nature
Current Account Number: 0911014645
Branch: BPI Los, Baños, Laguna, Philippines
Send a scanned copy of the bank- validated slip to the secretariat. Bring original copy of the deposit slip during the conference for the issuance of official receipts.
Importants Dates
28 January 2018: Deadline of submission of abstract
28 January 2018: Deadline of submission of entries for Best Paper Competition
30 March 2918: Notice of acceptance
15 April 2018: Deadline of early registration
16-18 May 2018: Conference proper
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