Abstract Submission

Prospective authors are invited to submit their abstracts in Microsoft word format (.doc) with a maximum number of 200 words through the secretariat@pssnonline.org on or before the deadline (28 March 2015) following the format below:

1.  The abstract should be written in Calibri font, size 12, and limited to 200 words only.

2.  It should contain a title, name of author/s (written one space below the title), affiliation/s of the author/s (with no space from the author/s), brief presentations of the research problem, conceptual/theoretical framework of the research or paper (if any), methods, major findings, conclusion and recommendations (if any), and at most 5 keywords.

3. In case of a multi-authored paper, all authors should be written first and contain a superscript to indicate which author belongs to which institution.

4.     Submissions not conforming to this format will not be evaluated.

5.     Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified through email.

Submit your abstracts to Dr. Ricardo T. Bagarinao through secretariat@pssnonline.org.
